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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Germ-Zapping Robot Can Fight against Ebola and Other Deadly Viruses

A new germ-zapping ROBOT might facilitate stop the unfold of deadly viruses, like Ebola, in hospitals and some health care facilities within the U.S…

Ebola Treatment, Germ Zapping Robot, Robots and science, Science and Technology

Standing slightly over five feet (1.5 meters) tall, the machine (Robot) — nicknamed "Saul" — uses pulses of high-intensity, high-energy ultraviolet rays to separate  open (Bacterial) cell walls and kill dangerous pathogens, said by Geri Genant, a health care services implementation manager with Xenex, the corporate that developed  the ‘SAUL’ Robot.

A surgical team at the U.S. Air Force Hospital Langley in Hampton, Virginia, was recently trained to use the virus-destroying mechanism, which might kill one strand of RNA (RNA) — the same as that of the viral hemorrhagic fever virus i.e. Ebola— in but five minutes, Genant said.

"Hospitals that have used this are able to bring infection rates down, in several cases [by] sixty p.c," Genant said that in a statement. The hospitals Genant was touching on were presumptively not those tormented by the viral hemorrhagic fever epidemic i.e. EBOLA virus.

The robot's latest pit stop, Langley Air Force Base, is home to the U.S. military's Medical cluster, a bunch of service members who recently came from AN assignment in geographic area. There, they were charged with putting in a medical support facility in one amongst the West African countries hardest hit by the viral hemorrhagic fever (EBOLA) happening, in line with the Air Force. The team conjointly trained international health care employees on the way to use the facility’s instrumentation.
Although the 633rd Medical cluster allegedly had no exposure to the Ebola virus or to viral hemorrhagic fever victims throughout its time in Africa, the U.S. military continues to be taking each precaution to stop viral hemorrhagic fever from spreading within the U.S., ought to one or additional of the military's recently came  service members fall unwell with the virus. Everybody attached the mission is being monitored doubly daily for 3 weeks once their come to the U.S., and so far, no symptoms of the virus are registered.

The new virus-killing Robot at Langley Air Force Base has one more precaution that provides patients, moreover as medical workers, with a further live of safety, same Marlene Kerchenski, the 633rd MDG medico general chief of nursing services.

Robotics World, EBOLA Treatment

Saul the robot's ultraviolet rays, that are twenty five thousand times brighter than florescent lights, will kill the pathogens that human hands miss, in line with officers at Xenex.

"Xenex has tested its full spectrum medical care system on twenty two microorganisms, finding out nearly 2000 samples in many  labs everywhere in the planet (world),"
Genant said. The larva (bot) will destroy viruses the same as viral hemorrhagic fever(EBOLA) with AN potency rate of ninety nine percent, she added.

Hospital workers at Langley can continue receive coaching on the correct use of the disinfecting machine (Robot), which will be used to eradicate and control the viruses throughout that hospital.



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